Speaking and Teaching

Chris is passionate about bringing you an appreciation of the Jewish context of the Bible

Teaching and preaching from a 1st Century perspective to enhance our understanding of the Scriptures

Mark your calendar today: 2024 dates are available for the Biblical feasts and festivals... and more

“I enjoy bringing the word of God to anyone and everyone! As a Jewish Believer who has been teaching and preaching for more than 30 years, I truly enjoy studying the Scriptures, relaying what I have gleaned to you —  and have a discussion around it.  I’ve been a public speaker, worked in newspaper, radio and television, too. So, be assured that any presentation will be engaging!

I am available for one presentation or several, and for one day or several days. Contact me so I can check my schedule to see if I am available for your congregation or organization. I can appear in-person or virtually.” 

Here are some suggested gatherings (in-person or virtually!)

Morning or evening service
Weekday group study
Small group
House church
Weekday evening
Youth group
Evangelism conference

Missions conference
Ministry / theology conference
Association meetings
College presentation
High school presentation
Workshop / Seminar
Campus ministry

Typical Topics

Each one of these is packed with information. Filling time is not an issue! All of these can be done as one session or divided up into several classes or workshops. All are available remotely (Zoom), too. You may have your own topic.

  • Acts 15: Jews and Gentiles – Together Yet Distinct*
  • The Gospel According to Deuteronomy*
  • Workshop / Seminar Understanding the New Testament Jewishly
  • New Testament Prayer: Early Lessons From a Jewish Person*
  • Workshop / Seminar on the Messianic Jewish Experience
  • Combating Antisemitism
  • Paul’s Letters: Writing the Law on Your Heart
  • Who is the New Covenant For? (Romans 9-11)*
  • Can You Be Jewish and Accept Yeshua as the Messiah?*
* Suitable for workshop or teaching

Dates Already Taken:

  • February 25 – Newell SD
  • March 10 – Rapid City (speaking at a church Bible study)
  • March 21 – Ft. Totten ND (Passover & the Last Supper and Resurrection)
  • Mar 23/24 – Rapid City SD (Purim)
  • May 26 – Gregory SD
  • July 21 – Newell SD
  • Oct 2-4 – Rapid City SD (Rosh HaShanah
  • Oct. 11-12 – Rapid City SD (Yom Kippur / Day of Atonement)
  • Oct. 23-25 – Rapid City SD

Are you ready to bring Chris to your church or congregation, small group, home church, school or other organization?  He’s ready to come to you – in person or virtually!