The nasal spray Flonase (TM) has a TV commercial that poses the proposition, “You wouldn’t accept an incomplete job.” Like the partially groomed dog, too much of the time our day-to-day life is lived – well, “partially.”
God is out of the picture much of the day (or much of the week!).
Yeshua says in Luke 14 that we need to count the cost of following Him. God needs to be part of everything we do, not just when we have an open slot in our schedule. By making God a part of everything we do, we become keenly aware of God’s presence in our life. In addition, folks who are not Believers will see that we are serious about our faith. Our genuine faith will be visible when God indeed permeates our lives and that everything we do brings glory to Him, reflecting our Messiah Yeshua! Then, when unbelievers try to poke holes in our faith, they can’t do it.
Is “religion” a second area of your life reserved for special times? Or is God connected to everything you do? When He is connected to everything you do — that’s where you find joy.