20 March 2021 – Parashat Vayikra (he called)
Torah: Leviticus 1:1-5:26
In the first five chapters of Leviticus we read about the first five reasons for sacrifices and the types of sacrifices that are required. There are the burnt offerings, the grain offerings, peace offerings and sin offerings. The burnt offerings are covered in 17 verses, grain offerings in 16 verses, peace offerings in 17 verses and 35 verses cover sin offerings in particular (in this week’s reading).
One thing you will notice is that Leviticus 5 ends at verse 19 in most Christian bibles. The Hebrew bible (Torah) is broken up a little differently. Chapter 5 continues to 6:7 (Christian bible) where it reads, “And the priest shall make atonement for him before the Lord, and he shall be forgiven for any of the things that one may do and thereby become guilty.” This is a better transition point because at 6:8 (Christian bible) the topic shifts emphasis to what is expected of the priests.
What is the purpose of this passage and much of Leviticus? What are we supposed to learn from it?
The tabernacle (mishkan, a Hebrew word meaning “to live in”, “dwell”, Exodus 26) was set up on the first day of the first month of the second year (Exodus 40:17). Prior to this day, God revealed Himself and guided the people but now He was dwelling in the midst of the people. Obviously, having God dwell among the people was a personal relationship. Can you imagine being in the presence of our holy God?
God’s people, however, were not holy as is painfully clear from the numerous times the children of Israel doubt God and complain. Sin in all forms require some sort of atonement (covering over) and offerings were required. Day in and day out burnt offerings were made. They were not a once-for-all absolution.
The grain offering of chapter 2 shows dedication to the Lord, the peace offering of chapter 3 seeks or celebrates blessings. Chapters 4 and 5, purification offerings make the people able to be in the presence of God. These seem to be archaic and irrelevant to Christians but it has real application to people who truly trust Jesus / Yeshua as their Messiah.
God wants us to be in our presence every day. Do you come to Him with your sin atoned for? Do you give thanks for His many blessings and ask for His blessing? Are you dedicated to the Lord? Do you purify yourself by asking the Lord to reveal your sin to us so you can see it, confess it and ask that He scrape it out of your life? Showing our dedication and giving thanks to Him is a process that out to occur with every breath we take. And it all starts with the once-for-all atoning sacrifice provided through Messiah Yeshua.