Messianic Fellowship of Rapid City
Fellowship, Bible study, prayer, worship from a Jewish perspective.
What is a Messianic Fellowship?
We’re teaching and living out the Jewish foundations of our faith in the Messiah Yeshua.
A Messianic Jewish fellowship is group of Jewish Believers and non-Jewish Believers who seek to fellowship, study and pray together through Jewish practice and tradition.
Messianic Jewish people can continue to live as Jews as a matter of calling, duty and covenant in order to be identified as Jews.
We read Torah, observe the Biblical feast and fast days, and teach Scripture from from the Jewish perspective that Yeshua and all of the apostles held to.
We are not “Judaizers” and fully recognize that Gentile Believers are only asked in Acts 15 to “abstain from what has been sacrificed to idols, and from blood, and from what has been strangled, and from sexual immorality.”
Our Goals:
Our goal is to worship Yeshua our Messiah, study and understand the word of God as they did in the 1st Century and provide an atmosphere of spiritual growth for those who have already accepted Yeshua as Lord.
We also want to endeavor to nurture and grow our souls through prayer, worship, fellowship and Torah study.
Chavurah, Prayer and Chesed – When we study the scriptures together, pray together and show chesed to each other we create a strong bond that nurtures our souls and draws us closer to God.
Our anchor is our faith:
Shema Israel, Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai Echad. Hear O Israel: God is our Lord, God is one.
What Can I Find Here?
Like-minded Jewish Believers and non-Jewish Believers. Connect with other Believers by assembling together to study God’s word, to celebrate the Feasts of the Lord, and care for each other through chesed. We want anyone and everyone to experience worshiping in spirit and truth.
Study Groups – Be a part of a group of like-minded Believers who share experiences and study scripture with an eye on developing a deeper understanding of God’s word. Whether it is studying the Tanakh or Brit Hadashah, we study it from a 1st Century perspective. Join us online Thursday evenings at 7pm.
Lifecycle Events – Yes! God’s word says Jewish Believers can still celebrate the feasts, fasts, Shabbat on Saturday, and eat kosher. Other lifecycle events include weddings and funerals. We believe these lifecycle events are integral to Jewish identity.
Interfaith relationships and families – Be part of a warm and welcoming community where you can learn, be curious, and understand your Jewish heritage, culture, and customs within the context of being a Jewish Believer.
NEW ONLINE – we will offer an online study group starting in April. Details will be available in an upcoming issue of the Messianic Jewish Experience newsletter.