Worship, Learn, Fellowship

Welcome! Here's What You Will Find...

Meeting every Saturday (Shabbat) at 927 E. Philadelphia St., Rapid City (north side of Destiny Foursquare Church, facing Philadelphia St.)

Love of God, His word and His people. 

Be Spiritually Nourished. Find your true identity in God. A personal relationship with God transforms lives. The personal relationship comes through the promised Messiah, Yeshua (Jesus). 

When and How: Every Saturday (Shabbat) / Come for some or all

  • Doors open at 8:30am, coffee, tea, juice and nosh
  • Study at 9am – Learn and discuss
  • Morning Service 10am – Song, liturgy, prayer and a message.
  • Oneg (lunch) – Fellowship over food at 11:40am
  • Study and discussion of the morning message – 12:35pm
Torah Club Tuesdays and Zoom Bible study Thursdays

We are Bible Centered, Spirit Empowered, Family Oriented, Kingdom Focused, and Mission Motivated.

We are a community of Believers in Messiah Yeshua, worshiping together, living out our faith with joy, to further the Kingdom of God.  We love God, love people, and are eager to grow spiritually! Join us as we seek to make God central to everything we do every day, shining forth the light of Yeshua. “Open my eyes that I may see the wonderful things in Your Torah” (Psalm 119:18).

Nourish Your Soul. We are a Yeshua/Jesus-centered, community with an overall emphasis on spiritual growth rooted in the Jewish context of the Bible. As disciples of Yeshua, we are learners. 

New and Different. Visiting a Messianic congregation might be a new idea for you as you seek to find that “something more.”  You are invited to “come and see.” We want you to feel like you belong. We seek to equip all generations to grow closer to God, pray big prayers, and serve God whole-heartedly.

Click the button below to learn more – and we look forward to seeing you!

Wow! So that’s what that means?!  

In Torah Club we take a deep-dive into the Scriptures, peeling back the layers and looking at how passages are woven together. You are likely to find yourself having an ah-ha moment each week.

Do you want to learn, grow and fellowship with like-minded believers? Like you, we want grow as disciples of our Messiah Yeshua – and we want to make new ones for the Kingdom! Torah Club meets on Tuesdays. See more here.

“Unrolling the Scroll” – Torah Club – 6:00pm Tuesdays  Discover more at TorahClub.org

Coming in October: “The Sent Ones” – a one-year study in Acts.

Jewish and Christian communities need to understand each other?  Our Messiah is known as Jesus but His Hebrew name is Yeshua. He is Jewish, His disciples were Jewish and for the first 6-plus years after His resurrection, all the Believers were Jewish. 

We need to build bridges. God’s love for and covenants with Israel are everlasting and unchanging. There is a temporary and partial veil over the eyes of Israel that hides the Messiah. There is also a partial blindness preventing parts of the Church from recognizing God’s special love for Israel.

Chris is available to speak to your congregation about the our Messiah and the Jewish root of our faith. 

Check out the video library here and on our YouTube channel here.  We have full messages and shorter highlight videos.

Shabbat messages are also available on our Facebook page.

More and more people are interested in the message of Yeshua in its proper context and understanding

As believers, we are faced with some serious issues. For instance, Matthew 5:18, Matthew 24:35, and 2 Peter 3:10.  How do those verses align with your belief system? 

  • How does God expect us to live out our faith?  What does that look like?
  • How do we share what we learn?
  • We are supposed to be shining the light of God into the world. How?
  • Yeshua says, “If you love me, do My commandments.” What does that entail?

Our goal is to revitalize, renew, restore as we navigate life through the reliance on and worship of God our King and the Messiah, Yeshua.

Connect with us and stay up-to-date on what is happening.

  • Bible studies – the latest information about online and in-person studies, including Torah Club


  • Messianic Fellowship – updates on Rapid City’s Messianic Fellowship and new fellowships


  • Articles and Devotions  – Weekly, Bible-based topics by Pastor Chris.


  • The Messianic Experience – an occasional newsletter about Messianic Judaism

Mission: Encourage Spiritual Growth

Strengthen your relationship with God and His Messiah Yeshua by transforming the words of the Bible within the historical Jewish context. Transform the world. Internalize scripture. Live out your faith. Tell others about God and Yeshua HaMashiach. Be a disciple of Yeshua/Jesus and make disciples.

Doing something “religious” shouldn’t be going to a second area of our life every once in a while. It is life! It is not separate from life. God needs to be connected to everything we do. That’s where we find joy in life!

God’s presence should be a reality in absolutely everything we do. He created us to make a difference in this world. We want you – no matter where what your relationship is to God – no matter if you’re Jewish or Gentile – to love, serve and have a personal relationship to Him through the Messiah Yeshua/Jesus.

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